Water-soluble fertilizers (WSFs) are an essential tool in modern agriculture, offering flexibility, efficiency, and precision when managing crop nutrients. These fertilizers dissolve completely in water, allowing them to be delivered through irrigation systems (fertigation) or applied directly to plant foliage (foliar feeding). Created from the purest ingredients, ICL’s portfolio of premium water-soluble fertilizers set the standard for soluble, high performance crop nutrition solutions.
What are water-soluble fertilizers?
Water-soluble fertilizers are a highly efficient, fast-dissolving, and 100% water-soluble source of essential plant nutrients. Available as safe powder-blend or liquid fertilizers, precise formulations effectively deliver the nutrients required for optimum growth, yield, and quality. Their complete solubility allows farmers to apply them precisely to crops through irrigation systems or foliar applications, ensuring nutrients are delivered directly to the plants’ root zones or absorbed through the leaves. ICLs highly pure, fully chelated, and fully soluble, nutrients quickly dissolve with no risk of clogging irrigation systems and are easily and safely blended, stored, and handled.
How do water-soluble fertilizers work?
When applied, the nutrients in water-soluble fertilizers dissolve in water and are therefore easily available to plants. With highly soluble fertilizers it is easy to control the precise amount of nutrients available to crops. WSFs are commonly used in the following ways:
- Fertigation: This is the most popular method for applying WSFs. Through drip or micro-sprinkler irrigation systems, nutrients are delivered directly to the plants’ root zones, reducing waste and improving efficiency.
- Foliar Feeding: Some WSFs can also be sprayed directly on plant leaves, providing a quick nutrient boost. This method is often used during critical growth stages or when soil conditions limit nutrient uptake.
- Starter Fertilizers: WSFs can also be applied at planting to provide immediate nutrition for young crops, promoting strong early growth and root development.
Can these be blended with other products?
ICLs water-soluble fertilizers can be mixed with other fertilizer products or compound water-soluble fertigation fertilizers for a full-spectrum fertility solution.
Best Practices for Water-Soluble Fertilizers
- Choose the Right Fertilizer for the Crop and Growth Stage: Crops have varying nutrient needs throughout their lifecycle. For example, nitrogen is important during early vegetative growth, while potassium and phosphorus are critical during fruit and flower development. Our Agrolution pHLow line contains a fully chelated micronutrient pack, M77, with various formulations offering different micro and macronutrient analysis. Selecting the right formulation based on your crop’s growth stage can optimize nutrient uptake and yield. Nova FINISH™, Nova PULSE™, Nova ELEVATE™, and Nova FLOW™ focus on effectively providing high-purity, water-soluble N-P-Ks and micronutrients tailored to crop nutrient demands, these products are uniquely formulated to maximize solubility and offer a high degree of compatibility with most herbicides and crop protectants.
- Ensure Proper Dilution and Compatibility: Always check the compatibility of WSFs before mixing. Some fertilizers may form insoluble precipitates when mixed, which can clog irrigation lines or reduce effectiveness. Perform a jar test to ensure that the products dissolve completely when combined.
- Monitor Water Quality: Water quality, especially pH and bicarbonate levels, can impact the effectiveness of WSFs. Using acidifying WSFs can help lower pH and improve nutrient availability, especially in alkaline soils or hard water conditions. Products like Nova PeKacid or our Agrolution pHlow line of acidifying water-soluble fertilizers are dual-purpose solutions designed to solve water quality issues, and
- Match Fertilizer Application with Crop Demand: Plan fertigation schedules to align with crop nutrient needs throughout the growing season. For example, during fruiting or flowering stages, higher potassium levels may be necessary, while nitrogen should be emphasized during early growth. We’ve learned that when we fertilize can have a huge impact on yield. Mid-season foliar application that align with the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth can generate significant yield responses. Reserach as also shown that foliar K increases cotton yields and should be applied during the reproductive stages of cotton, particularly from first bloom to peak bloom.
- Monitor Soil and Tissue Tests: Regularly conducting soil and tissue tests can help refine your fertilizer program, ensuring that nutrients are available in the right amounts and at the right times.
6 Benefits of Water-Soluble Fertilizers
- Allows for precise nutrient control, meeting unique soil, water, and crop needs
- Can be partnered with insecticide, and fungicide as part of a comprehensive liquid feed program
- Offers easy blending, storage, and handling for simplified logistics and operational control
- Delivers a dependable, uniform, and balanced nutrient feed with the same amount of nutrients in each drop of water
- Is immediately available to plant roots, offering a nutrient boost to growing plants
- Simple and versatile application can be applied as a starter or mid-season, as needed
- Provides growing plants with easy access to essential NPK nutrients, micronutrients, and trace elements required for optimal plant growth and productivity
What crops can water-soluble fertilizers be used for?
Our water-soluble fertilizers are premium solutions for a wide variety of crops such as fruit trees, vegetables, and other cash crops. Depending on the unique needs of the operation water-soluble fertilizers can be successfully used on any type of crop. Some products are especially suited for open-field and soilless crops, hard-water conditions, and calcareous soils, while others are geared toward hydroponics and soil grown fertigated crops.
How to Select the right water-soluble fertilizer (WSF)?
At ICL we recognize that different crops, soils, water, and climates will have different needs. Which water-soluble fertilizer you choose will ultimately depend on your unique conditions, operation, and budget. Testing your soil or growing media, your water, and identifying the unique nutrient needs of your crop will provide you with some of the crucial information needed to select your water-soluble fertilizer. Ensuring the NPK balance and pH levels meet the needs of your operation are keys to success.
ICL’s WSF portfolio includes water-soluble straights, all-in-one acidifying solutions, and complementary products, offering a comprehensive solution for today’s unique fertility programs. Working in consultation with product experts and agronomists can help you determine which water-soluble product will meet your specific needs. Learn more about NOVA, Agrolution pHLow and Agrolution.
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Our specialists are available to advise you on best practices and solutions to address issues you may be facing in the field. Whether it's crops, fertilizer solutions, or agronomy, we are ready to collaborate with growers to develop best-in-class methodologies and solutions. Contact ICL Growing Solutions today.
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