Growing Coffee
Crop Nutrition Advice

Everything you need to know about coffee fertilization, best practice, suitable products, field trials and more.

Advice for growing Coffee (Coffea arabica &  Coffea canephora; Robusta)

Our day starts with a cup of coffee, one of more than 2.3 billion cups consumed every day worldwide, brought to the markets by more than 25 million producers mostly from coffee plantations of developing countries.

The genus Coffea L. belongs to the family Rubiaceaeis with over 100 perennial species but is usually represented by the two most grown species – Coffea arabica L. and Coffee canephora L. (Robusta), both originated from Africa, which together are responsible for about 99% of the production of coffee beans in the world. Coffee cherries take between 6 to 9 months to ripen, depending on the variety and environmental conditions. When formed, cherries are green, but as they ripen, they turn yellow, then red, and finally a deep crimson. Each cherry usually contains two coffee beans (seeds).

Coffee consumption is found already in the Old Testament, where a bean was referred to as a ‘parched pulse’. Other evidence imply that coffee cultivation may have begun as early as 575 AD. A German physician (Dr. Rauwolf) introduced coffee drink originated from Yemen and Ethiopia to Western Europe in the 16th century, mentioning that its very good in illness, chiefly that of the stomach.

A quick comparison between Arabica and Robusta:

ParameterCoffea arabica L. (Arabica)Coffee canephora L (Robusta)
Region grownTropical highlands.
Equatorial (latitudes lower than
10°) at altitudes of 1,000-2,000
meters above sea level
Equatorial (latitudes lower than
10°) at altitudes of sea level to
1,000 meters
Subtropical (latitude between
16-24°) at altitude of 500-1,000
meter above sea level
Major growing countriesBrazil, Colombia, EthiopiaVietnam, Indonesia, Uganda
Optimal temperature18°C and 23°C throughout the year
Sensitivity to climate changeHigh: decreased areas suitable for Arabica coffee in Central America at lower altitudes. In equatorial South America higher elevations could benefit, but higher latitudes lose suitability. Coffee regions in Ethiopia and Kenya are projected to become more suitable but those in India and Vietnam to become less suitableLow
Traded (% of total)~60%~40%
PriceRobusta beans fetch a lower price than Arabica
Coffee brew qualitySweeter and fruitier than Robusta with a wide range of tasting and flavors notesstrong, earthy flavor with a caffeine kick. A strong cup of coffee!
Caffeine contentOn average, 100 mg per cup. However, Robusta beans have nearly double the caffeine and more antioxidants than in arabica beans

Soil and Water Requirements

Coffee crop requires deep, well drained, acidic (pH-5-6) soil. In Brazil, coffee is grown mostly on deep and well-drained red and yellow latosols (oxisols), that are rich in iron and aluminum. In Viet Nam, most coffee plantations are in the Central Highland region on two main soil types: (i) Reddish brown soil derived from basic and intermediate magmatic rocks (basaltic soil); and (ii) Reddish yellow soil derived from acid magmatic rocks (granite soil). In Colombia, almost 50% of soils of the coffee region are originated from or have been altered by volcanic ashes. In Ethiopia, coffee is grown on soils in southwestern and southern regions of Ethiopia which are classified as Nitto sols, and are highly weathered and originate from volcanic rock.

Soil pH, texture and slope exposure to sun influence the quality of the grain coffee.

Liming is a common practice to overcome soil acidity. Its recommendations are based on the soil pH and Ca content. The liming doses applied during orchard establishment and 1 year later are between 40-120 gr/plant, depending on soil pH and soil Ca levels. Different Ca sources, such as calcite, dolomite limes or phosphate rock, can be used instead of lime.

Coffee is sensitive to water salinity (when irrigated). Water salinity above 1.2 dS/m will cause damage to plant development resulting, in some cases, to the death of plants.

Global production

Coffee is grown on more than 12 million ha in more than 70 countries, Brazil is leading with over 1.8 million ha followed by Indonesia (1.2), Côte d’Ivoire (0.95), Colombia (0.85) and Ethiopia (0.76) million ha. Global production is more than 10 million mt green beans, 50% of which are produced by the main growers in Brazil, Viet Nam and Colombia.  Productivity varies between 0.79 to 2.98 mt/ha in Colombia and Vietnam, respectively. The annual growth rate of global coffee consumption is 1.3%.

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world and one of the most traded commodities globally, and one of the five most valuable agricultural exports from developing nations. More than 2 bn cups are drunk each day, and it helps support the livelihoods of an estimated 125 million people.

The value chain of coffee is a complex process that involves multiple stages and stakeholders, from the initial cultivation of coffee beans to the final cup of coffee enjoyed by consumers. These include cultivation, processing, milling, exporting, roasting, grinding and packaging, distribution and retail and finally, consumption.

Crop usage

Coffee beans contain approximately 43% carbohydrates, 7.5–10% proteins, 10–15% lipids and 25% melanoidins. Potassium is the most abundant nutrient (115-320 mg/100 mL), and Caffeine is the most abundant bioactive compound (50–380 mg/100 mL). 1 cup of coffee contains an average of 100 mg caffeine, 25% of the daily recommended intake.

Coffee fermentation is one of the key stages in postharvest processing, and faulty practices could adversely lead to the development of off-flavours. The fermentation of coffee refers to the removal of the pulp and mucilage from the coffee beans (seeds) by dry, wet, or semidry processing.

The chemical composition of coffee brews depends on the coffee species but it is also affected by the beans quality and the degree of roasting.

Nutrients’ role

Nutrients and mineral fertilization are essential for intensive coffee-production systems and play a key role not only in productivity but also in coffee quality. Research carried in Brazil on the dosage of essential nutrients for the development of the coffee tree found that nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), boron (B) and copper (Cu) – are all essential for increasing crop productivity.

As coffee is grown mostly in poor-nutrients depleted tropical soil, nutrient management is crucial at all stages. Nutrient management aims to optimize the development of the fruits of the pending load, as well as for the development of new branches and buds destined for the next harvest.

However, as the coffee plant grows very slowly after transplantation to the field (the formation phase), mineral accumulation and fertilizer needs during the first two years are relatively low.

The coffee plant continuously accumulates dry matter from 6 to 78 months of age. On the annual cycle, dry matter and nutrients uptake occur mainly during the growth and productive stages (63-105 and 133-224 days after anthesis (at grain filling stage, respectively).

At the vegetative stage, a 5.5 year-old coffee crop may extract 547, 51, 508, 234 and 59 kg/ha of N, P, K, Ca and Mg, respectively.

Liming recommendations, to overcome soil acidity, are based on the soil pH and Ca content. Different Ca sources, such as calcite, dolomite limes or phosphate rock, can be used instead of lime.

Nitrogen (N)

Nitrogen is the most important nutrient in coffee production during the growth stage and the second-most accumulated nutrient by coffee cherries during the productive stage. N is the nutrient that contributes the most to coffee yield because it affects vegetative growth, flowering, and fruit filling. N is a constituent of proteins, enzymes, coenzymes, nucleic acids, cytochromes, and caffeine.

Phosphorus (P)

Weathered soils with low availability of phosphorous and high levels of iron and aluminum that induce P precipitation make it necessary to apply high amount of P fertilizers to ensure proper productivity of coffee. P increases plant’s height, stem diameter, root and leaf development and yield.

Potassium (K)

After N, K is the element most required by coffee, and its need increases with age and productivity. K  Increase yield, increase branch elongation and the number of internodes per branch, increase quality and reduce by 30% the rate of aborted fruit.


The high demand for Mg suggests that Mg fertilizer should be applied as soon as possible after the harvest, before the beginning of the new crop season.


S is a non-mobile element and deficiency symptoms occur first in young leaves of sugarcane. Soil S may be replenished by S containing fertilizers (e.g. polysulphate) and also from deposits of sulfur dioxide gas in rainfall. Deficiency is common in non-irrigated areas when no S is present in applied fertilizer.


The high demand for Ca suggests that limestone should be applied as soon as possible after the harvest, before the beginning of the new crop season.


Boron deficiency is common in coffee plantations and is characterized by the death of apical buds and root tips.

Key parameterNP₂O₅K₂OMgOSO₃CaO
Plant Growth++++++++
Fruit quality+/-+++/-++
Root and leaf development+/-++++
Dry matter content++++++
Adapted from: FAO – Arabica coffee manual for Lao-PDR

Coffee Nutrient requirements and fertilization

Coffee plant nutrient accumulation (in terms of % in DM) is N > K > Ca > Mg > S > P > B > Zn > Cu. A coffee field (5,000 plants / ha) with a 4 year plant age will have the following annual nutrient uptake: 490, 330, 220, 66, 43 and 30 kg/ha of N, K, Ca, Mg, S, and P, respectively, and 1600, 770 and 550 g / ha of B, Zn and Cu. There is a variance depending on the cultivar . However, the removal from field (in fruit and beans) is in the following order: K > N > Ca ≈ Mg > P > S > B ≈ Cu ≈ Zn. Over 50% of the removed K, Ca and B, are in the husks (fruit), while most of the N is removed by the beans and most of the K is by the fruit. (source: Martinez et al., 2019).

In Brazil and Vietnam, Zn deficiency in coffee is common and widespread.

Typical nutrient removal rates of coffee fruit (beans inside the fruit; note the oxide form)

kg/mt coffee
Presented under license from AGMATIX data repository.

Adequate contents of nutrient in (index) leaves of coffee plant

Adapted from Martinez et al., 2019.

Typical nutrient fertilization practices according to crop stage

ParameterPlanting and crop establishmentCrop formation ⁽¹⁾Crop production ⁽²⁾
LimingOver the whole area, 2-3 months prior to planting; or 40-120 gr/plant
GypsumOver the whole area
Organic matterThe available; apply in planting holes
Nitrogen (N)After plant established, 10-15 gr per plant30-60 gr per plant200-600 kg/ha
Phosphorus (P₂O₅)25-100 gr per planting hole10-110 kg/ha
Potassium (K₂O)0-30 gr per planting hole0-60 gr per plant200-600 kg/ha
(1) Consider soil fertility analysis
(2) Consider soil and leaf analysis
Adapted from Martinez et al., 2019.

Coffee deficiency symptoms


  • Reduced number of leaves and number of flower buds
  • Reduced levels of chlorophyll a and b concentrations
  • Lower growth
  • Reduced foliar contents of N, P, Ca  and S
  • Uniform yellowing of older leaves; dieback of leaves (when leaves have less than 2.5% of N and less than 1.5% of K).
  • Higher risk of infection of Cercospora leaf spot and leaf rust.
  • Excess N will result in vegetative growth on the account of fruit production and induce attacks of leaf miner and green scale.


  • Reduction in the number of buds and leaves
  • Lower dry matter production in the roots
  • Reduced P, Ca and Mg in the leaves and P and Mg in the roots
  • Less plant growth, dark green colour in old leaves
  • Symptoms of deficiency shown in older leaves with purple spots between leaf veins; premature leaf fall.
  • Excess P will result in reduced absorption and translocation of Fe, Cu, and Zn.


  • Reduction in the number of leaves
  • Reduced K, Ca and Mg in the  leaves and K, P and  S in  the roots
  • Chlorosis  of old  leaves borders, followed  by necrosis
  • Dieback of older leaves; rise to small and empty fruits  and fruit abortion
  • Excess K will restrict absorption of Ca and Mg. For seedlings, reduction in Ca absorption caused by high doses of K can result in increased incidence of Cercospora leaf spot.


  • Reduction in the number of leaves
  • Reduced Ca, K and Mg in the leaves and Mg and S in the roots
  • Leaves with irregular shapes, spots with necrotic stains between leaves veins and death of buds, starting from the tips of the leaves, interveinal and marginal chlorosis with veins showing darker green colour.
  • Excess Ca in the soil can induce Fe and Zn deficiency.


  • Reduced Mg, Ca and S in the leaves and Mg, P and S in the roots
  • Impairments in the vegetative development
  • Chlorosis, starting on older leaves veins; yellowing and interveinal chlorosis on older  leaves, which might progress to necrosis


  • Fewer number of leaves
  • Reduced S, P, K, and Ca in the leaves and S, Ca and Mg in the roots
  • S chlorosis started in young leaves

See also pictures of deficiency symptoms at Arabica coffee manual for Lao PDR (

Fertilizer Products for Coffee Production

Product typeCommercial plantationsOrganically grown plantations
Potash-based fertilizers+
Phosphate-based fertilizers+
Complex & blended granular fertilizers+
Polysulphate-based fertilizers++
Water soluble fertilizers (WSF)+
Liquid fertilizers+
Controlled-release fertilizers (CRF)+
Organic fertilizers++
Micronutrients package++
Wetting agents++
Application method
Row application++
Planting holes++
Bulk blending++
NPK granulation+
F3 SurfActive+

Literature & Guides

  1. Achieving sustainable cultivation of coffee. Lashermes, (EDS). 2018. (
  2. Boron translocation in coffee trees. Leite et al., 2007. Plant Soil 290:221–229 DOI 10.1007/s11104-006-9154-8.
  3. Coffees of Brazil: research, sustainability and innovation. Guerra et al., 2021. In: TELHADO, S. F. P. e; and CAPDEVILLE, G. de (ed.). Land-saving technologies 2021. Brasília, DF: Embrapa, 2021.
  4. Coffee nutrition. KALRO Advisory Bulletin Series No. 2017/001. Coffee-nutrition-Dec2020.pdf (
  5. Different sources of phosphorus in coffee tree formation. Serafini Amaral et al., 2022. Brazilian Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 16, 1063.
  6. Effect of glyphosate and P on the growth and nutrition of Coffea arabica cultivars and on weed control. da Costa et al., 2021. Natureportfolio.
  7. Ensuring economic viability and sustainability of coffee production. Jeffrey, S. et al., 2019. Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment.
  8. Arabica coffee manual for Lao-PDR. Winston et al., 2005. (
  9. Markets and trade: Coffee. Coffee | FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  10. Growth and nutritional disorders of coffee cultivated in nutrient solutions with suppressed macronutrients. Alves Flores et al., 2016. Journal of Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2016.1161777.
  11. Initial growth of coffee plants irrigated with saline water and soil salinization. Figueirêdo, et al., 2006. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 10(1):50-57.
  12. IPI Crop Bulletin 21. Ridge, 2013. 414-ipi-bulletin-no21-sugarcane-2013.pdf (
  13. Mineral nutrition and fertilization. Martinez et al., 2019. In: Coffee: Production, Quality and Chemistry. Farah, A. (eds). The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019.
  14. Nutritional requirement and management of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in Ethiopia: National and global perspectives. Melke, A. et al., 2015. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 5(5): 400-418, 2015, Article no.AJEA.2015.041 ISSN: 2231-0606.
  15. Physiological and agronomical response of coffee to different nitrogen forms with and without water Stress. Ramirez-Builes et al., 2024. Plants 13(10), 1387.
  16. Projected shifts in coffee arabica suitability among major global producing regions due to climate change. Ovalle-Rivera O. et al., 2015. PLoS ONE 10(4): doi:10.1371/journal.
  17. The Nutrition Source. Coffee. (
  18. The value of coffee. International Coffee Organization (ICO). 2020.

Field experiments, Agronomic Reports and Related Literature

  1. Coffee Crop Fertilization in Colombia: A mini-review. Salamanca-Jiménez, A. 2017. International Potash Institute (IPI). (
  2. Polyhalite effects on coffee (Coffea robusta) yield and quality in central highlands, Vietnam. Tien et al., 2020. International Potash Institute (IPI). (
  3. Polyhalite application improves coffee (Coffea robusta) yield and quality in Vietnam. 2016. International Potash Institute (IPI). (
  4. Potassium application and uptake in Coffee (Coffea robusta) plantations in Vietnam. Tien et al., 2015. International Potash Institute (IPI). (
  5. Effects of annual potassium dosage on the yield and quality of coffee robusta in Vietnam. Tien et al., 2015., International Potash Institute (IPI).  (
  6. Coffee: Balancing the complexity of production and providing caffeine. Agmatix.
  7. Coffee nutrient requirements. Crop Nutrition Laboratory Services Ltd (Cropnuts).
  8. How nutrition and health interact in coffee farming. Technical bulletin ICL, 20, 7/2021.
  9. Good coffee harvesting and post-harvesting practices.Technical bulletin ICL, 69, 11/2021.



Coffee Trials

Coffee with Polysulphate
Bao Lam district, Lam Dong Province, Vietnam , 2015


Yield Increase
Coffee with Polysulphate
Di Linh district, Lam Dong Province, Vietnam, 2015


Yield Increase


Here are some frequently asked questions we received from farmers regarding growing coffee.

  • A typical application of lime will supply more than 50% of Ca and Mg requirements. However, it is also necessary to apply a more soluble source of Ca to compensate for the plant’s high requirement during the first 60 days after blooming. Polysulphate can be used as an important soluble source of Ca and Mg (and K and S) to be applied at least one month before blooming peaks.

  • Tolerance to soil Al toxicity is cultivar specific. Coffea arabica has shown high tolerance to soil Al contents over 1 cmol/kg. However, in soils with low base saturation, Al saturations must be lower than 25% to avoid negative effects on growth and yield.

  • Zinc deficiency is widespread in coffee plantations. In light textured soils 2 to 6 kg/ha of zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) can be used. For coffee plantations in high-clay soils during the growing season, 2–4 foliar sprays with 0.5% zinc sulfate mixed with other micronutrients are recommended.

    Boron deficiency is also common in coffee plantations, especially in low organic matter soils. Foliar spray with 0.5% boric acid is recommended.

    Manganese deficiency in oxisoils is rare, and toxicity may often occur. However, when excessive amounts of lime are applied, two to four foliar sprays with manganese sulfate (5 to 10 g/L) can correct the disorder. Copper deficiency is week known in Brazil coffee plantations. Deficiency can be corrected with foliar sprays of 0.5% copper sulfate neutralized with lime-based solution.

Do you have more questions?

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Digital Tools

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