Choosing the Right Water-Soluble Fertilizer

The quality of your water is the starting point to determine the best water-soluble fertilizer in your growing circumstances.

March 10, 2022
2 mins

To ensure optimal use of fertilizers and produce the best quality plants with a high sales price, fertilizer and water must work in perfect harmony. Low quality of irrigation water is the main cause of many crop and growth problems. Therefore, it is important to analyze your water quality and choose the right fertilizer for your particular crop and growing situation. This is crucial as salts in irrigation water impact EC and pH levels in potting soil, which in turn affects the crop. 

Step 1:

Analyze your irrigation water (irrigation water is the water used to feed and water your plants). Don’t only test the pH and EC values, but also check the level of bicarbonate (HCO3), and the composition (the different elements). 

Step 2:

Determine whether acidification of the water is needed. We recommend acidifying water if the bicarbonate levels are higher than 2.5 mmol/liter (= 152.75 g/l). The right way to acidify depends on a number of factors. Please contact your ICL Advisor for tailor-made advice. Remember that the quality of water can change when you mix spring water with rainwater. Also, keep in mind to change your fertilization plan if your rainwater is replenished. 

Step 3:

Select the right Peters or Universol water-soluble fertilizer for your situation.