Boost Wheat Yields with Sulfur-Containing Fertilizer

Research findings released in the US advise farmers to consider using sulfur-containing fertilizers to maintain good yields.

July 15, 2021
2 mins

Farmers in the US are advised to be aware of the increasing incidence of sulfur deficiency in their soil and to consider using sulfur-containing fertilizers to redress the balance to maintain good yields.

Declining Soil Sulfur from Atmospheric Pollution

The report, by the K-State Research and Extension group, that serves the interests of farmers in the state of Kansas, highlights how an important free source of sulfur for soil is greatly reduced. Switching from burning coal to natural gas and low-sulfur coal in the US has greatly reduced air pollution, including atmospheric sulfur, which used to make its way through rainfall to the land and to crops.

Add Sulfur to Boost Wheat Yields

According to Romulo Lollato, a wheat production specialist with K-State Research and Extension, sulfur deficiency has become a big challenge for wheat production in the southern Great Plains. He suggests that farmers need to consider applying sulfur fertilizer, especially on sandier soils and if there is low soil organic matter. Failing to take account of sulfur requirements leads to yield losses and crop quality suffers. In addition, the study found that when sulfur was extremely deficient in the fields, crops showed no response to nitrogen.

Polysulphate Plugs the Sulfur Gap

As a multi-nutrient fertilizer, Polysulphate contains sulfur together with potassium, calcium and magnesium. This makes this crop nutrition product ideal for meeting crop sulfur demand for good growth and to facilitate full uptake of nitrogen when applied. Using Polysulphate ensures the crop gets what it needs and enables effective use of nitrate fertilizers, rather than them being unused by the crop and becoming an environmental hazard when they leach away through the soil into water courses.

The research work in Kansas is usefully highlighting the issue of sulfur deficiency that is affecting an increasing proportion of farmers around the world. It also signposts the clear route to solving the problem and achieving effective and sustainable crop production through a balanced and targeted fertilizer strategy.