Proving the Power of Polysulphate in Brazil

Research highlights Polysulphate fertilizer's contribution to Brazil's major crops including sugarcane, soybean, maize, and cotton.

November 4, 2021
2 mins

Detailed research in Brazil shows the significant contribution that Polysulphate fertilizer makes to crop productivity. This evidence is opening the way for even more trials of Polysulphate, the trademark for ICL’s unique polyhalite fertilizer, in a wide range of key Brazilian crops.

Recognizing Polysulphate’s Potential

Increased fertilizer use has helped boost Brazilian agriculture, but nutritional imbalances remain a limiting factor for crop productivity. Almost a third of the fertilizers used are potash fertilizers, however the full potential of Polysulphate – the natural complex mineral supplying calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and potassium – has not been deeply investigated or recognized until now. Results of important work at Sao Paulo University have signposted the potential of Polysulphate as a nutrient donor for soybean as well as rice. A potted rice experiment using the typical low nutrient, sandy, Brazilian soil provides convincing evidence that Polysulphate is an effective fertilizer.

Delivering the Sulfur Crops Need

Meanwhile, a soybean field trial showed Polysulphate fertilizer has considerable potential to improve production in no-tillage systems, especially in soils with calcium and magnesium deficiencies. Moreover, it performs as well as potassium chloride fertilizer but without the adverse effects of chloride. More than all that, the major advantage of Polysulphate reported in the research findings is that it delivers sulfur, an essential plant nutrient that is often overlooked. Brazils’ major crops – sugarcane, soybean, corn, and cotton – all require significant sulfur and could benefit greatly from Polysulphate fertilizer. Wider research in all these crops continues. This is the next step in consolidating the potential of Polysulphate as an important fertilizer for Brazilian crops.


For more details, see the full report Introducing Polyhalite to Brazil: First Steps of a New Fertilizer published in e-ifc No. 48 by the International Potash Institute.