Polysulphate Organic Approval: USA, EU & Japan

Polysulphate Granular and Standard approved for organic markets in the EU, USA, and Japan.

January 31, 2023
2 mins

There is more good news for Polysulphate. The Inspection and Certification body CERES has approved ICL’s Polysulphate Standard and Polysulphate Granular fertilizers for use in organic agriculture according to Reg. (EU) 2021/1165, NOP & JAS. This means farmers who sell their organic produce to markets in the USA, EU, and Japan can choose and use ICL’s Polysulphate Standard and Polysulphate Granular natural multi-nutrient fertilizers.

Gaining this certification from CERES is significant. It confirms these Polysulphate products are in line with the organic regulations in three different markets: EU, USA, and Japan. This certification adds to the lengthy list of countries where Polysulphate is approved for use in organic farming systems.

Natural, Multi-Nutrient, Low-Carbon Fertilizer

Polysulphate is mined as polyhalite at ICL’s mine in the UK. Polyhalite is a natural, multi-nutrient mineral containing sulfur, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. The polyhalite is mined, crushed, screened, and bagged, ready to be marketed as Polysulphate. There are no chemical or industrial processes. As a result, Polysulphate has the lowest carbon footprint compared to similar alternative fertilizers.

CERES Inputs logo - approves Polysulphate for organic markets in EU, USA, and Japan

CERES approves Polysulphate for organic markets in EU, USA, and Japan.