Pro-Cert Organic Approval for Polysulphate Premium

Organic multi-nutrient fertilizer delivering 4-in-1 nutrition for USA and Canadian markets

March 14, 2023
2 mins

Polysulphate premium is ICL’s robust multi-nutrient fertilizer that delivers the key elements essential to high-performance plant growth. Derived from the same polyhalite natural mineral as our Polysulphate fertilizer, Polysulphate Premium features the same excellent nutrient qualities with the additional advantages of a robust, spherical, broad spreading, easily blended, and natural fertilizer, suitable for fields all over the world.

Polysulphate Premium for Organic Production in USA and Canada

Created from a natural mineral has another benefit too. Polysulphate Premium is now approved by Pro-Cert Organic Systems Ltd. for use in organic production. This Pro-Cert approval brings even greater benefits for those supplying produce to the USA and Canadian organic markets. Polysulphate Premium complies with the Canadian Organic Standards (COS) Organic Production Systems Permitted Substances Lists (CAN/CGSB-32.311-2015) and the USDA National Organic Program.

Prolonged Delivery of Nutrients

The natural, prolonged delivery of sulfur, potassium, magnesium, and calcium helps to boost crop health, photosynthesis, cell wall strength, and nitrogen use efficiency, making it an excellent option for any crop. The smooth, hard granules ensure a consistent flow rate during application and make Polysulphate Premium the perfect choice for easy blending with other granulated fertilizer ingredients.


Polysulphate Premium gains Pro-Cert Approval for USA and Canada