Tomato Field Day Highlights

Tomato Triumph: Unveiling ICL's Field Day Success in Karnataka, India

September 27, 2023
2 mins
Patricia Imas

We are excited to share a recent Tomato Field Day at Talekere Village, Tumkur District, in Karnataka State, India. Dr. Rajesh (ICL Regional Agronomist, Bangalore) and Mr. Kiran Kumar (ICL Sales Executive, Bangalore) summarized their fantastic experience:

  • Showcasing unique grades: During the event, we displayed ICL’s exceptional tomato grades right in the field. It was an excellent opportunity for us to showcase our commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation
  • Knowledge sharing: We presented the ICL company, and our expert team explained the tomato nutrition schedule using ICL products like Polysulphate, Fertiflow, Magphos, and Nutrivant foliar grades
  • Seeing is believing: We showed the results of the demo plot, which compared the ICL nutrition program with the farmer’s common practice. All plant parameters were higher in the ICL treatment: plant height, the number of fruits per plant, individual fruit weight and diameter, and shelf life of fruits. The ICL nutrition program increased the total yield after 18 pickings by 10.9% compared to the farmer’s practice, and the net income was 10.6% higher
  • Positive farmers’ response: More than 45 farmers and dealers attended this field day. We were thrilled to receive an excellent response from them; their enthusiasm and interest in our nutrient products were truly heartening

We look forward to continuing our efforts to support and collaborate with our farming community.