PK High P

The superior solution for soil low in phosphorus

ICL's Granular Complex PK High P fertilizers are premium phosphorus and potassium fertilizers that are especially rich in phosphorus. Available in various formulations containing essential sulfur, magnesium, and calcium, these fertilizers provide the balanced nutrition required for healthy crop growth. Granular Complex PK fertilizers separate the application of phosphorus and potassium from the nitrogen application. This gives the flexibility to select the correct nitrogen source and dose to prevent nitrogen overdosing and unnecessary nitrogen leaching.



  • PK fertilizers with a high phosphorus content to improve plant establishment Ideal for phosphorus-deficient soils

  • Tailor-made formulae available with added magnesium, sulfur, and micronutrients

  • Easy and uniform distribution in the field with all modern mechanical spreaders

  • Good hardness ensures consistent handling, bulk blending, and field application

  • Deliver superior yields, improved quality, and increased profitability

Trial first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

For direct application in fields, orchards and plantations or for bulk-blending with other fertilizers. Compatible with urea and ammonium nitrate in blends.
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Granular Complex

NPK for total crop nutrition today

Granular Complex

An excellent source of N and P for all crops and soils

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