Nykcal 10-0-7+13.5CaO

Prize-winning plants with this potent potassium, calcium, and nitrogen blend









If your crops need some nitrogen, potassium, and calcium, they’ll be crying out for Nutri® Liquid Nykcal 10-0-7+13.5CaO. This liquid feed is designed for fertigation, so no dissolving is necessary. With 10% nitrogen, plus 7% potassium oxide and a plentiful 13.5% calcium oxide, it’s the most powerful of our Nykcal blends, and it’s ideal for crops in their peak growth stage: they’ll have stronger cell walls, absorb nutrients better, use water more efficiently and be a picture of healthy growth.

  • A stronger concentration of nitrogen, potassium, and calcium in liquid form

  • Ideal for fertigation

  • Safe, simple to use, good value

Trail first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables, As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

For general recommendations about how to use the product, refer to the Nutri Liquid Calcium brand page.
For more information or recommendations, contact your nearest ICL distributor or representative for your area.

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