Plus Sugar Beet 0-36-24+2MgO+1.9B+1Mn+FV

Give sugar beet the nutrient mix it needs

Nutrivant Plus Sugar Beet 0-36-24+2MgO+1.9B+1Mn+FV is a fully soluble formulation containing macro and micronutrients with magnesium, boron, and manganese designed to precisely meet the needs of sugar beet. Utilizing Fertivant technology for an advanced and persistent delivery system guarantees a homogenous distribution of microdrops across the leaves, enhances the permeability of the cuticle to active substances, and securely fixes the active ingredients to the leaf surface to delay evaporation. Two sprays of Nutrivant Plus Sugar Beet 0-36-24+2MgO+1.9B+1Mn+FV during early growth is ideal to boost sugar beet yield.

  • Dependability

  • Chloride-free, high safety

  • Enriched with magnesium, boron, and manganese

  • Fully soluble

  • Contains surfactant

  • Special formula to improve yield

  • Made with clean materials

  • ICL’s tight control of ingredients and manufacturing ensures consistent high quality.

Two sprays of Nutrivant Plus Sugar Beet 0-36-24+2MgO+1.9B+1Mn+FV are recommended at a concentration of 3% at 200 L/ha. Spray in the early morning or late afternoon during early crop growth:

1st spray60 days after planting (5-6 leaf stage)
2nd spray90-120 days after planting (before row closing)

Trial first on a small scale before changing the rate, application, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

Dilution table for preparing soluble fertilizer solution

Water (L)110501005001,0001,5005,00010,000
Fertilizer dilution rate (kg)1:50.2210201002003001,0002,000

How to calculate dosage

Example: To prepare a 1:20 working solution for 100 L of water, divide 100 L by 20. This gives you 5, meaning you’ll need 5 kg of fertilizer for 100 L of water.

Example: To prepare a 1:15 working solution for 150 L of water, divide 150 L by 15. This gives you 10, meaning you’ll need 10 kg of fertilizer for 150 L of water.

  • FertiVant technology utilizes the NutriVant adjuvant to penetrate the leaf cuticle, ensuring efficient nutrient absorption. This enhances foliar spray effectiveness, improving yields and produce quality. Additionally, it provides a continuous nutrient release for up to four weeks, benefiting all crop types.

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