Puraloop-38 is a high-quality, granular phosphorus fertilizer which utilizes recycled materials to deliver double-action phosphorus for improved phosphorus use efficiency. Using a pioneering production process, Puraloop embraces the principles of the circular economy, converting recycled P from organic waste into a sustainable phosphorus plant nutrition product. With performance to match traditional P fertilizers, Purlaoop also addresses global waste and environmental concerns.

Chemical analysisExpressed asTypical
PhosphorusTotal soluble P2O538.0%
NAC soluble P2O537.0%
Water soluble P2O520.0%
CalciumTotal soluble CaO10.5%
MagnesiumTotal soluble MgO2.0%
SulfurTotal soluble S2-3%
Total soluble SO37-8%
ZincTotal Zn1,300 ppm

  • Contains recycled P from organic residue streams

  • Double-action phosphorus, with both water-soluble and root-activated P

  • Essential source of P for all crops and soils

  • Premium and consistent quality P fertilizer

  • Dust free, compact, free-flowing granules

  • Safe product with heavy metals content below EU limits

  • Circular economy approach, reducing global waste and environmental issues

  • Moisture (Gravimetric) 6.0%

  • Density 1,107.5 g/cm3

  • Particle size > 5 mm 0.5%

  • Particle size 1-5 mm 97.5%

  • Particle size < 1 mm 2%

  • D50 3.1 mm

Use a dosage based on the P2O5 requirements of your specific crop and the soil type. Trial first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

For direct application in fields, orchards and plantations
Suitable for bulk-blending with other fertilizers
For optimal results, incorporate your phosphate granular fertilizer into the soil

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Access calculators to improve nutrient management and boost productivity.

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