Polysulphate Lettuce Trial in Israel
Northern R&D Farm, Israel 2019
Key Conclusions
Polysulphate fertilizer significantly increases lettuce fresh and dry biomass by up to 25%, and significantly increases calcium and sulfur concentrations in lettuce leaves.
To evaluate Polysulphate as a calcium source for lettuce (Lactuca sativa), using a greenhouse soilless production system.
Trial Details
Trial station
Northern R&D Farm, Israel
Granular Polysulphate
Total yield, and commercial yield
- The experiment was designed in complete random blocks, with 6 replicates consisting of 5 pots each.
- Seeds were sown in June 2019, and harvest took place in July 2019.
- Plants were grown under controlled greenhouse conditions in 4 L pots filled with perlite.
- Treatments included 4 rates of granular Polysulphate: 0 (control), 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 g/L that were thoroughly mixed with the perlite before planting.
- Water used for irrigation was desalinated using reverse osmosis to a level of 0.6 mEq Ca/L.
- Plants in all treatments were fertigated throughout the experiment with NPK 5:3:8 + MgSO4.
- Irrigation was scheduled 3 times a day for 10 minutes per irrigation (approx. 1 L/day).
- The experiment was designed in complete random blocks, with 6 replicates consisting of 5 pots each.
- Seeds were sown in June 2019, and harvest took place in July 2019.
- Plants were grown under controlled greenhouse conditions in 4 L pots filled with perlite.
- Treatments included 4 rates of granular Polysulphate: 0 (control), 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 g/L that were thoroughly mixed with the perlite before planting.
- Water used for irrigation was desalinated using reverse osmosis to a level of 0.6 mEq Ca/L.
- Plants in all treatments were fertigated throughout the experiment with NPK 5:3:8 + MgSO4.
- Irrigation was scheduled 3 times a day for 10 minutes per irrigation (approx. 1 L/day).
- Polysulphate application significantly increased lettuce fresh and dry biomass, adding up to 25% to the fresh weight of the plants.
- Calcium and sulfur concentrations in the leaves were significantly higher with Polysulphate application, but no response was observed to the nutrient dose.
- Polysulphate application can ensure enough available Ca to satisfy lettuce requirements and guarantee high produce quality.
Similar letters indicate no significant differences between treatments at p <0.05.