Polysulphate Cocoa Trial


Dry yield increase
Research in Ghana reveals the significant benefits of using Polysulphate on mature cocoa plantations

Four locations in Ghana



Dry yield increase

Key Conclusions

This study reviewed cocoa trials at 4 locations in Ghana and found that Polysulphate significantly increased the two-year cumulative dry cocoa bean yield at 3 of the 4 locations, generating an average increase in dry bean yield of 13.6% compared with the reference granular fertilizer, or 70.8% compared with the unfertilized control. Based on these results, Polysulphate is considered suitable for mature cocoa plantations at the application rate of 375 kg/ha.


To investigate the effect Polysulphate has on the yield of mature cocoa trees and to compare it with a comparable granular NPK fertilizer which also contains calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.

Trial Details

Trial station

Four locations in Ghana




Dry cocoa bean yield


The study was conducted by the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG) in 2020/21 and 2021/22 cocoa seasons on farms at 4 locations: Assin Nkukuasa (Central Region), Bechem (Ahafo Region), and Konongo and New Edubiase (Ashanti Region). The trial utilized a randomized complete block design, incorporating 3 treatments and 2 replicates per location. The ages of the mixed hybrid cocoa variety trees ranged from 10 to 15 years.

Treatment 1 was the unfertilized control, treatment 2 was the reference granular fertilizer (NPK 0-22-18+9CaO+9MgO+7S) applied at 375 kg/ha per year, treatment 3 was Polysulphate granular fertilizer applied at 375 kg/ha per year. All recommended agronomic practices were followed.


The study was conducted by the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG) in 2020/21 and 2021/22 cocoa seasons on farms at 4 locations: Assin Nkukuasa (Central Region), Bechem (Ahafo Region), and Konongo and New Edubiase (Ashanti Region). The trial utilized a randomized complete block design, incorporating 3 treatments and 2 replicates per location. The ages of the mixed hybrid cocoa variety trees ranged from 10 to 15 years.

Treatment 1 was the unfertilized control, treatment 2 was the reference granular fertilizer (NPK 0-22-18+9CaO+9MgO+7S) applied at 375 kg/ha per year, treatment 3 was Polysulphate granular fertilizer applied at 375 kg/ha per year. All recommended agronomic practices were followed.


  • Polysulphate significantly increased the two-year cumulative dry cocoa bean yield at 3 of the 4 locations.
  • On average, Polysulphate increased the dry bean yield by 13.6% compared with the reference granular fertilizer and by 70.8% compared with the unfertilized control.
  • Based on these results, Polysulphate is considered suitable for mature cocoa plantations at the application rate of 375 kg/ha.


Polysulphate increased the dry cocoa bean yield by 13.6% compared with the reference granular fertilizer



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