Polysulphate Sugarcane Trial in Colombia

Polysulphate fertilizer: a budget-friendly, nutrient-enriched option.

Balboa, Risaralda State


To evaluate the effect on sugarcane of using Polysulphate as a complementary nutrient source, in particular its effect on biomass at the seedling stage.

Trial Details

Trial station

Balboa, Risaralda State




Shoot and Root biomass, Root: shoot ratio


This trial consisted of five treatments: two controls and three Polysulphate doses (0, 1.5, 3, and 6 g/plant) applied 5 days after planting.

  1. 8 g of 16-7-13
  2. 1.5 g of Polysulphate
  3. 3 g of Polysulphate
  4. 6 g of Polysulphate
  5. A mixture of soil and compost (1:1)

Treatments 1-4 received a total NPK application of 1.3, 0.6, and 1.1 g/plant from urea, DAP, and Polysulphate as a complementary K source reducing the KCl applied.


This trial consisted of five treatments: two controls and three Polysulphate doses (0, 1.5, 3, and 6 g/plant) applied 5 days after planting.

  1. 8 g of 16-7-13
  2. 1.5 g of Polysulphate
  3. 3 g of Polysulphate
  4. 6 g of Polysulphate
  5. A mixture of soil and compost (1:1)

Treatments 1-4 received a total NPK application of 1.3, 0.6, and 1.1 g/plant from urea, DAP, and Polysulphate as a complementary K source reducing the KCl applied.


  • Polysulphate had a positive effect on sugarcane seedling growth at all application rates up to 6 g/plant.
  • Polysulphate significantly increased shoot biomass, doubling it, when compared with the two controls without Polysulphate.
  • Supply of K, Ca, Mg and S from Polysulphate reduced root biomass.
  • Plants fertilized with Polysulphate had a root:shoot ratio half that of the controls, indicating better biomass partitioning in sugarcane seedlings.
  • A recommended dose of 200-300 kg/ha of Polysulphate for the Cauca river valley would improve shoot biomass and sugarcane productivity.

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