Polysulphate Winter oilseed rape Trial in China


Yield increase
Polysulphate fertilizer is a soluble, easily-absorbed, cost-effective answer to crop nutrition, containing four key plant nutrients: sulphur, potassium, magnesium and calcium.




Yield increase

Key Conclusions

The application of 1,500 kg/ha of Polysulphate increased the oilseed rape yield by 42% compared to the control in this trial in China.


To investigate the effect of increasing rates of Polysulphate on the yield, yield components and nutrient uptake of winter oilseed rape.

Trial Details

Trial station



Oilseed Rape


Yield, Yield Components, Nutrient uptake


This randomized block trial consisted of four replicates with six treatments. In all treatments, nitrogen, phosphorus and boron were applied according to farmers’ traditional practice: 180 kg N/ha, 75 kg P2O5/ha and 1 kg B/ha. Five treatments consisted of increasing rates of Polysulphate: 375, 750, 1,125, 1,500 and 1,875 kg/ha.
The control treatment received the same N, P and B application but no Polysulphate was applied.


This randomized block trial consisted of four replicates with six treatments. In all treatments, nitrogen, phosphorus and boron were applied according to farmers’ traditional practice: 180 kg N/ha, 75 kg P2O5/ha and 1 kg B/ha. Five treatments consisted of increasing rates of Polysulphate: 375, 750, 1,125, 1,500 and 1,875 kg/ha.
The control treatment received the same N, P and B application but no Polysulphate was applied.


  • All nutrients (N, P, K, S, Ca and Mg) uptake in shoots increased in the Polysulphate treatments when compared to the control. The highest nutrient uptake was obtained when Polysulphate was applied at a rate of 1,500 kg/ha.
  • All three yield components (pods per plant, seeds per pot and 1000-seed weight) increased significantly with Polysulphate application, up to a dose of 1,500 kg/ha.
  • Polysulphate application increased significantly the yield. The highest yield was obtained when Polysulphate was applied at a rate of 1,500 kg/ha.
Polysulphate (kg/ha)NP2O5KSMgCa
Shoot uptake
083.1 d7.5 d100.5 e29.3 e12.2 e36.9 e
375105.1 c11.5 c170.5 d51.8 d15.9 d54.2 d
750115.1 ab11.9 ab255.2 c66.6 bc18.3 bc66.8 bc
1,125110.6 bc12.0 bc286.6 b72.0 ab19.1 b72.3 ab
1,500120.0 a13.0 a320.4 a77.1 a20.8 a76.9 a
1,875112.2 abc12.3 abc298.7 ab64.6 c17.3 c64.1 c


Other Interesting Trials

UK Oilseed Rape trial
, 2018


Yield Increase