Polysulphate Vining Pea Trial in the UK
Lincolnshire 2018
Key Conclusions
The trial’s satellite imaging shows higher NDVI (indicating a denser canopy), in the Polysulphate fertilized plots, which results in a subsequent increase in pea yield of up to 23.5%.
To investigate the effect of Polysulphate application on vining peas. Specifically, to increase the yield and see if higher seed rates would improve overall yield. It was expected that the phased release of sulfate from Polysulphate would help the formation of nitrogen fixing nodules in the roots of the pea crop.
Trial Details
- This trial was a split field trial.
- In the Polysulphate treatments, Polysulphate was applied at a rate of 150 kg/ha at drilling.
- This trial was a split field trial.
- In the Polysulphate treatments, Polysulphate was applied at a rate of 150 kg/ha at drilling.
- The yield for the field was 8 t/ha when all areas were averaged.
- Polysulphate increased the yield by 1.2 t/ha over the standard farm practice, and when the seed coating is added the yield improved to 1.9 t/ha over the control.
- The satellite images had higher NDVI (green and blue colors) in the Polysulphate strips, thus showing denser vegetation than the farm practice.