Polysulphate Watermelon Trial in Malaysia
Kahang, Johor, Malaysia 2017
Key Conclusions
Watermelon yield increased by 33% in the Polysulphate plot compared to the farmer’s usual fertilizer treatment plot.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of granular Polysulphate to improve the growth and yield of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) grown on a sandy loam soil in Malaysia.
Trial Details
Trial station
Kahang, Johor, Malaysia
Granular Polysulphate
Watermelon yield
This demonstration consisted of 2 treatments. The 1st was the farmer’s usual practice of 400 kg/ha of NPK compound fertilizer (12-12-17 + 2MgO) and 200 kg/ha of 16-16-16 + 2MgO. The 2nd treatment was the farmer’s practice + 100 kg/ha of granular Polysulphate. In both treatments fertilizers were applied as top dressing on the planting bed before transplanting.
This demonstration consisted of 2 treatments. The 1st was the farmer’s usual practice of 400 kg/ha of NPK compound fertilizer (12-12-17 + 2MgO) and 200 kg/ha of 16-16-16 + 2MgO. The 2nd treatment was the farmer’s practice + 100 kg/ha of granular Polysulphate. In both treatments fertilizers were applied as top dressing on the planting bed before transplanting.
- During early growth, minimum mortality and root fungus infection was observed in the Polysulphate treatment. Young shoots appeared stronger and greener.
- Vegetative growth in the Polysulphate treatment was more vigorous, with bigger shoots and leaves which covered all the soil.
- Yield increased by 33% in the Polysulphate plot compared to the farmer’s usual fertilizer treatment plot. Bigger fruits were also observed with Polysulphate application.
Watermelon yield increased by 33% in the Polysulphate plot compared to the farmer’s usual fertilizer treatment plot.

Watermelon fertilized with Polysulphate showed more vigorous vegetative growth with bigger shoots and leaves, covering all the soil.