The ideal starter fertiliser







Nova MAP 12-61-0 mono ammonium phosphate is ideal for use in the initial growth phase of all crops, immediately before and after seeding and planting. Nova MAP is a crystalline powder, free of chloride and sodium. It is ideal for increasing the availability of soil phosphorus, especially in calcareous soils. Nova MAP can be used in fertigation on most crops, in all growing stages. Especially in the early stages of plant growth to promote optimal development of the root system and at the stages of flowering and fruit formation.

  • Ideal boost in the initial growth stage

  • Helps plants absorb phosphorus quickly

  • High purity: no contaminants, no residue

Recommended dilution rate for stock solutions: 8-10 kg / 100 L water

Trial first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

Nova MAP can be used in fertigation of most crops, in all growing stages. It’s especially useful in the early stages of plant growth to promote optimal root development as well at the flowering and fruit formation stages.
Do not mix the product with calcium-containing products such as Nova Calcium.
Attention: Mixing the product with magnesium-based products such as Nova Mag-S, Nova MagPhos and Nova Quick-Mg needs extra caution. Their compatibility depends on pH and water quality, so we recommend a small-scale trial before mixing them in large quantities.
If you need more information, please contact your technical support.



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