Growers’ experience with Peters water-soluble fertilizers

September 26, 2023
3 mins

Thanks to Peters Professional, my plants are greener and I have less work.

Plant nursery M.Loeffen can be found in Someren, the Netherlands, and has been a loyal customer of ICL for over 10 years. The nursery sells more than 80 types of plants, many with different nutritional needs, and that requires a targeted fertilization plan. It’s a challenge we gladly accept! Owner Mathieu has been applying Peters Professional and Osmocote fertilizers for years and is very satisfied with the results. We asked him to share his experiences.

Company Information
Company: Plant nursery M.Loeffen

Owner: Mathieu Loeffen
Size: 1.5 hectares indoors, 1000 square meters outdoors
Sales: 1.5 million plants per year
Crops: Fuchsia, Begonia, Geranium, Sunflowers, Chrysanthemums, Violas, etc.

A closer look at the nursery

Mathieu Loeffen started the M.Loeffen plant nursery over 30 years ago. Since that time, the company has grown considerably and today the nursery sells around 1.5 million plants every year. With a team of 5 employees and a few seasonal employees, at least 80 types of plants are grown. Mathieu: “We have a very wide range of flowers and colors. Much more than most other growers, which makes us unique. This wide range is ideal for smaller garden shops, for example. Here they can buy everything.” Mathieu says about the success of his nursery: “The most important aspect of growing bedding plants is that you always have to be consistent. What must be done today must be done today and not tomorrow.”


The nursery uses a flood and drain hydroponics system to irrigate the plants. In addition, the company recirculates in a 100% closed system. “We collect rainwater instead of pumping ground water and the rainwater is used for all plants. About 75% of the water is returned and will be re-used. This also benefits the plants as they get continuous nutrition.”

We regulate the development of the plant with our fertilization plan.

Challenges in the cultivation

According to Mathieu, the most important aspect of cultivation is of course the healthy growth of the plant. And a healthy growth sometimes means slowing growth down. Mathieu: “I want beautiful, full plants that can develop well. Inhibiting growth is therefore very important. It gives you a compact, strong plant that will still grow at the end user’s home. To accomplish this, we regulate the development of the plant with our fertilization plan.”

Save costs on labor

The nursery uses the water-soluble fertilizer Combi-Sol from Peters Professional since about 5 years. Mathieu is very happy with the results he has achieved since he made the switch to Peters Professional. “Since we started using Peters Professional fertilizers, our plants have much less yellow leaves. As a result, we suddenly no longer had to pick the yellow leaves from the plants and that saved a lot of extra work. In addition, I also see good plant development and an overall more beautiful plant. In short; thanks to Peters Professional, my plants are more beautiful, greener and I have less work.”

What must be done today, must be done today and not tomorrow.

Targeted fertilization

With so many types of plants as at M.Loeffen nursery, one fertilization approach is obviously not enough. Each plant type is carefully examined to see what nutrition is needed, and in addition to Peters Professional, Osmocote Exact also plays a role in M.Loeffen’s fertilization plan. Mathieu: “We use Osmocote Exact 5-6M for our sunflowers and the hanging pots have two different longevities; Osmocote Exact 3-4M and 8-9M. This ensures a quick start, but also an extended nutrition release at the customer’s home. Additionally, we also have tuberous begonias that prefer to receive less nutrition. So we really have to focus on targeted fertilization.”

Visions for the future

Mathieu will turn 60 next year and, despite his love for his work, he is also looking forward to passing on the baton. “We really built this business to pass it on to the next generation. I have no children of my own who will take over the company, but I am looking for a successor. The company is healthy, sustainable, growing and ready for the future.