There is no alternative to Peters

A respectable 33 years of experience in the horticultural industry; Dutch ICL Sr. Area Sales Manager Riny Westdijk has seen a lot during his lengthy career.

May 4, 2023
2 mins

“Yet there are still lots of interesting developments”, Riny says. “In general, I think the horticultural industry has become more complex. For instance, due to stricter regulations, shortage of qualified employees, and the scale-up of nurseries. But these challenges also accelerate exciting innovations.”


No alternative to Peters

What has not changed over the years is of course the nutrients that plants need for healthy growth. And for this purpose, the water-soluble fertilizer products of Peters have proven unparalleled results. “Once you have seen the things that Peters can do, you know there is just no alternative”, Riny says. “Unlike in the rest of the world, tank mix fertilizers have a bit of a dusty reputation in the Netherlands. But I truly believe there’s no better alternative for Peters. The M-77 ingredient is crucial, response is very quick, and the purity of the fertilizers make the products perfect for recirculation. I’m proud that I can help nurseries with their recirculation processes by using Peters. If the analysis of the irrigation water matches the recommended composition, that is very satisfying.”


Recommendations from the pro

ICL’s advisors visit nurseries and help solving cultivational problems on a daily basis. Riny: “In our conversations with growers, we really want to find a solution that benefits them. We are very pragmatic, and our products and solutions are proven by research, trials, and many other growers. This is important to me because as an advisor, you need to fully stand behind your recommendations.”


Quick responses that save the day

Imagine that two weeks before delivery, your complete production is nowhere near being ready? Plants show extreme symptoms of deficiency and/or excess of nutritional elements. All foliar nutrient treatments with various trace elements did not result in crop recovery. It happened to one of Riny’s customers in pot roses. Riny was asked to help. “When I saw the plants, they were definitely not ready for delivery to the customer. The problems were caused by an incorrect liquid fertilizer recipe, in combination with a lot of foliar feed applications trying to fix the nutrient unbalance. We rigorously emptied the A- and B-tank and switched to a fertilizer plan with Peters water-soluble fertilizers. One of the benefits of these products is the superfast response. After only one week the leaves of the pot roses looked much greener and healthier. Within two weeks the plants were ready to be sold! It’s just of the example of the guaranteed success of Peters.”


Green is the new yellow

Another customer wanted to use Peters to further improve his cultivation. “But he already had the highest quality of growing media, a proper fertilizer plan, and no additional cultivation problems”, Riny says. “At first I wasn’t sure what Peters could further improve.” The grower was determined and started to use Peters. After 6 months, Riny spoke to him and found an unforeseen benefit that saved the grower lots of time and money. “Usually, the grower would remove a lot of yellow leaves manually for some of the cultivations, but thanks to Peters all leaves were green. There was just no yellow leaf to be seen. This saved a lot of time and labor.”