
100% Lolium perenne

Germinates at low temperatures

ProSelect® Agreement Ideal for late season and winter sports renovation, Agreement perennial ryegrass has a very special characteristic of being able to germinate at low temperatures of 3 degrees centigrade. When compared with other perennial ryegrasses of its type, Agreement showed significantly improved germination rates between 3-5 degrees and consistently better between 6-10 degrees. Unlike other grass seed products aimed at winter renovation, Agreement also offer good turf performance compared with annual ryegrasses for example.

100% Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)

  • Germinates at low temperatures

  • Extended season growth

  • Excellent seedling vigor

Recommended Rate: 20 – 30 g/m²

Try first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

Apply to dry foliage and irrigate after 1 – 2 days if there is no rainfall. Irrigation helps with dispersion and lowers risk of mower pick-up on close cut surfaces. Watering-in after application will minimize footprint trails.

Avoid applying during frosty or drought conditions. Delay any vertical cutting and/or grooming until 3 days after application, to allow the granules to properly disperse. Significantly less nitrogen is released when soil temperatures are below 10° C.

If spilled on pavement, concrete, clothes, etc. brush off immediately as it can stain. Contains iron: do not apply in case of risk of contact with concrete, marble, stone, fabric, or swimming pools.

If you need more information, please contact your technical support

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