
100% Lolium perenne

The annual ryegrass that revolutionizes overseeding

ProSelect® Breakout is not your ordinary or inferior annual ryegrass, you’ll love this new variety if you want quick ground cover. This innovative annual ryegrass is perfect for overseeding warm-season grass or for cool-season turf. It’s quick to establish for great wear-resistant dense turf. Its fine leaves and texture are reminiscent of perennial ryegrasses, but it has an annual ryegrass’s growth speed and ability to transition. No need to apply chemicals or reseed your warm-season base.

100% Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)

  • Perfect for any type of overseeding

  • Superb high-density turf

  • Transitions well with Bermuda grasses

Average sowing rate60 g/m²

Try first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

Seeding and Overseeding:
We recommend loosening bare soil or verticutting existing turf, for easy establishment when renovating or overseeding. For typical new seeding applications, apply at 30-60 gr/m². Periodic reseeding at 20-35 gr/m² maintains density for visual appearance and durability. For over-seeding dormant warm season grasses for golf course fairways, we recommend 35-70 gr/m².

Breakout forms a tight-knit turf under a wide range of soil types and environmental conditions, from full sun to medium shade and mows cleanly at heights of 12 mm and above. With its increased shoot density and more compact growth profile, Breakout can be maintained at fairway levels with the correct nutrition and maintenance program.

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