Spring & Summer

Supporting your turf through the growing season









Greenmaster® Pro-Lite Spring & Summer is your go-to precision nutrition solution for the main part of the growing season. It gives you both high levels of nitrogen – essential for good top growth on fine turf – and balanced levels of phosphate and potash – for a vibrant sward and to replenish nutrients lost from grass clippings. It also includes magnesium to enhance your turf’s health and color.

  • Great turf color from N & Mg

  • High quality formulation for reliable release patterns

  • Maintains strong growth through the early season

  • Consistent spread even at low rates

Recommended rate:
30-35 g/m²
Accupro DROP Rates and settings
Spread width (m)5 g/m²10 g/m²15 g/m²20 g/m²25 g/m²30 g/m²35 g/m²40 g/m²45 g/m²50 g/m²
Single Pass0.84234689101112

Settings for ICL spreaders: AccuPro 2000, SR-2000, AccuPro 360ST
Rate and Settings
Cone settingSpread width15 g/m²20 g/m²25 g/m²30 g/m²35 g/m²40 g/m²
Single Pass63,7 mLMN
Double Pass (half rate)63,7 mIJK
Settings for ICL spreaders: AccuPro One
Rate and Settings
Slider plateSpread width15 g/m²20 g/m²25 g/m²30 g/m²35 g/m²40 g/m²
Single PassOpen2 m91011
Double Pass (half rate)Open2 m78

The spreader settings are guidelines only. The spreader should be calibrated prior to application to ensure accuracy. The spreader settings are based on a walking speed of 5 km/hour. Walking faster or slower than 5 km/hour will alter the spread width and application rate. Exact rates are dependent upon the spreader itself and the accuracy of the person operating it.

Trial first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

Apply from April to July.
Apply to dry foliage and irrigate after 1-2 days if no rain has fallen.
Irrigation will aid dispersion and minimize any risk of mower pick-up on close-mown surfaces.
Avoid applying in frosty conditions or drought.
Water-in after application to minimize foot-printing risk.
Delay verti-cutting and/or grooming for 3 days after application to allow the granules to disperse.
Do not apply if there is a risk of contact with concrete, marble, stone, fabric, etc.
Brush off any spillages on paving slabs, concrete, clothes, etc. immediately, as product may cause discoloration.
If you need more information, please contact your technical support.

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