Spring & Summer

Multi-nutrient and super soluble








This water-soluble fertilizer will transform your turf: our special TMax technology invigorates leaves and roots to absorb nutrients better, and plenty of nitrogen means you won’t need to wait for long to see an effect. A large proportion of potassium ensures growth is steady and your grass is stronger. Nitrogen from mixed sources (including a substantial urea nitrogen component) means plant uptake is maximized, and it also includes a range of trace elements for a healthier sward. It’s the perfect complement to your main granular fertilizer program, or in a tank mix if you’re after more nitrogen. As the name suggests, use between March and August.

  • Plenty of nitrogen for quick effect and improved uptake

  • Healthier, stronger turf with even growth

  • Ideal in a tank mix for optimizing nitrogen levels

Recommended Rate: 15 - 60 kg/ha

Trial first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

Sportsmaster® WSF products are tank-mixable with other products within the range and H2Pro® & H2Pro® Maximize wetting agents.
Avoid applying during frosty or drought conditions. Mix with Turf Mark® Extra spray pattern indicator to aid spraying, condition water and minimize spray drift (Turf Mark® is a registered trademark of BASF).
To ensure that this product dissolves completely, mix by adding the quantity required to a half-full spray tank, then agitating for 10 – 15 minutes. Then fill the tank to full capacity with water. The water temperature will affect the dissolution rate.
For foliar applications use low water volumes (300 – 600 l/ha) and to optimize uptake avoid high temperatures and sunny conditions.
For root uptake applications use high water volumes (600 – 1000 l/ha) and irrigate immediately afterwards for a minimum of 2 – 3 minutes, to provide the necessary water volume and to reduce the risk of turf injury.
If spilled on pavement, concrete, clothes, etc. brush off immediately as it can stain. Contains iron: do not apply in case of risk of contact with concrete, marble, stone, fabric, or swimming pools.
If you need more information, please contact your technical support.

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