
100% Lolium perenne

For stunning turf that repairs itself

ProSelect® Torsion is a mid to dark-green perennial ryegrass that gives you outstanding turf quality. It boasts excellent disease tolerance and offers a compact lateral spreading growth habit with fine leaves. Torsion’s lateral spreading tillers extend in growth from the main plant and – unlike conventional perennial ryegrass – can spread to repair damaged turf. Ideal for producing high-quality sod, combining density, leaf fineness, and clean cutting for overall quality. Its slow regrowth means less mowing and fewer clippings. Torsion offers all-round performance whether you’re a sod grower or end user. You can mow it right down to 10 mm, making it suitable for golf tees and fairways. Equally, Torsion fits right in at sports venues under intensive use where good ground cover needs to be maintained.

100% Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)

  • Mowing height as low as 10 mm – great for golf tees and fairways

  • Compact lateral growth and self-repairing tillers

  • Excellent disease tolerance

Average sowing rate25 g/m2

Try first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

Recommended mowing height of 1 – 4 cm. If you need more information, please contact your technical support.

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