ICL’s patented innovative technologies make our foliar fertilizers some of the world’s leading foliar solutions. Our state-of-the-art foliar fertilizers use advanced technologies to facilitate nutrient absorption and enhance the delivery of nutrients.
The high purity of the nutrients in our foliar fertilizers and the range of nutrients available, including N, P, K, and trace elements, means our foliar fertilizers equip you with the perfect tools to prevent and rectify nutrient deficiencies. Foliar fertilizers can also counter stress conditions where plant root systems are not functioning optimally or where nutrition from the soil is malfunctioning. Stresses such as cold or warm soils, high pH levels, weed competition, or nematode infestation can all impact the efficiency of plant root systems. Foliar fertilizers are an ideal tool to mitigate such stress situations.
Whether you are looking to complete the base fertilizer application in cereal crops or prevent or rectify deficiencies in agricultural and horticultural crops, our foliar fertilizers are the perfect solution.
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