The Importance of Potassium in Human Nutrition and Health
Potassium, an essential plant nutrient, extends its influence to the health of both animals and humans.
In the field of plant nutrition there is a silent hero who goes beyond improving crop growth. Unlike some elements that our bodies can produce naturally, potassium is not one of them. It is our diet – which includes grains, vegetables, fruits and animal products such as meat, milk, eggs and cheese – that fills the potassium void within us. Similarly, animals derive their essential potassium intake from the foods they consume, such as grasses, hay and grains.A lesser known fact is that the journey of potassium from soil to food is facilitated by potassium fertilizers. These fertilizers effectively feed the plants with potassium, and in turn, us. They stand as a basic source of potassium that our bodies crave for well-rounded health. In our bodies, potassium plays a central role as a key component of the fluid that resides in each cell. This essential presence extends to the regulation of cellular acidity, the orchestration of muscle contractions, the transmission of nerve impulses and a host of other critical functions. A high dietary intake of potassium has been shown to protect our body from a number of conditions that affect our hearts, kidneys, and bones. Consuming more potassium reduces our blood pressure thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disorders including heart disease and stroke.
(Source:Nutrition and Health −the Importance of Potassium | IPI ) The best and most secure way to increase our potassium intake. is to eat potassium-rich fruits and vegetables. 250 milligrams of potassium, or 6% of our daily recommended intake, are included in one serving of avocado and are essential for healthy nerve, heart, and kidney function.