Agroleaf® Special Zn is a premium foliar feed that prevents and controls zinc deficiency. It’s suitable for a range of crops including cereals, vegetables, flowers, and fruit-trees. Plus, it’s fully water-soluble, making it a popular choice in agriculture and horticulture. It contains a specific amino acid known as X₃ Active, which aids the crop in absorbing Special Zn quickly. This reduces physiological stress caused by zinc deficiency within just two days. Preparing the solution is simple, and it fully dissolves in no time. We use only the finest raw materials and latest technologies to produce Agroleaf® Special Zn, which contains the highest concentration of active compound in its class. You can also tank-mix Special Zn with other fertilizers and crop-protection products, saving you time out on the field.
Correct Zn deficiency
Absorbed quickly and effectively to combat stress
Boosts plant metabolism
The average recommended application rate is 0.2 to 0.3% dosage for all crops |
Trail first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables, As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.
X3-Active Technology by ICL is a growth enhancer that improves the uptake of trace elements into plant leaves, resulting in enhanced growth, quality, and vigor. Integrated into specific ICL foliar fertilizers, this technology contributes to overall plant performance.
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