BIOZ Diamond and Agrolution pHLow on Corn


Bu/ac VS APP; 3GPA
BIOZ Diamond combined with Agrolution pHLow can improve corn yields and P-use efficiency

Whitewater, Wisconsin



Bu/ac VS APP; 3GPA

Key Conclusions

  • The highest yielding treatments (and most P use efficient) resulted from the combinations of Agrolution pHLow and BIOZ Diamond.
  • Agrolution pHLow 11-45-11+2Zn resulted in greater P use efficiency as a starter fertilizer.
  • The BIOZ Diamond biostimulant consistently increased corn grain yield across both years of the trial at this location.
  • Although there was benefit to BIOZ Diamond alone, the greatest benefit was realized when combined with starter fertilizers.


To evaluate the performance of Agrolution pHLow® 11-45-11+2Zn as an in-furrow starter fertilizer for soybean production in comparison to a grower standard practice of ammonium polyphosphate (10-34-0). Also, to understand the additive effect of a molasses based, fulvic acid and yeast extract biostimulant containing, fertilizer – BIOZ Diamond.

Trial Details

Trial station

Whitewater, Wisconsin




Grain Yield


  • A grower standard rate of ammonium Polyphosphate (10-34-0) was applied in-furrow at 3 gallons/A, providing approximately 11.9 lb P2O5/A.
  • Agrolution pHLow 11-45-11+2Zn at either 6 or 12 lb/A of dry product was solubilized into 3 gallon/A of water as a carrier. These rates provided 2.7 and 5.4 lb P2O5/A, respectively.
  • Agrolution pHLow 11-45-11 +2Zn is an all-in-one water-soluble package for use as an acidifying starter fertilizer to improve phosphorus and micronutrient availability.
  • BIOZ Diamond was applied at 1 quart/A, either in combination with the three starter fertilizer sources, or as an individual treatment.
  • BIOZ Diamond is a molasses-based carbon and nitrogen fertilizer that includes fulvic acid and a yeast extract.
  • All in-furrow application treatments were compared to an untreated control which received no starter fertilizer or biostimulant.
  • Treatments were replicated four times in each year.


  • A grower standard rate of ammonium Polyphosphate (10-34-0) was applied in-furrow at 3 gallons/A, providing approximately 11.9 lb P2O5/A.
  • Agrolution pHLow 11-45-11+2Zn at either 6 or 12 lb/A of dry product was solubilized into 3 gallon/A of water as a carrier. These rates provided 2.7 and 5.4 lb P2O5/A, respectively.
  • Agrolution pHLow 11-45-11 +2Zn is an all-in-one water-soluble package for use as an acidifying starter fertilizer to improve phosphorus and micronutrient availability.
  • BIOZ Diamond was applied at 1 quart/A, either in combination with the three starter fertilizer sources, or as an individual treatment.
  • BIOZ Diamond is a molasses-based carbon and nitrogen fertilizer that includes fulvic acid and a yeast extract.
  • All in-furrow application treatments were compared to an untreated control which received no starter fertilizer or biostimulant.
  • Treatments were replicated four times in each year.


  • Averaged across two years, starter fertilizer treatments (with no biostimulant) increased grain yield over the untreated control by approximately 5.5 bu/A.
  • Although the rates of Agrolution pHLow 11-45-11+2Zn used in this study provided less P compared to the grower standard rate of ammonium polyphosphate, similar yield responses occurred, which suggests greater P use efficiency of Agrolution pHLow.
  • Efficiencies were 1.8 and 1.3 bushels of yield increase per pound of  P2O5 for the 6 and 12 lb/A rates of Agrolution pHLow, respectively, compared to only 0.3 bushel of yield increase per pound of P2O5 for ammonium polyphosphate.
  • BIOZ Diamond applied as an individual treatment trended 3 bu/A greater compared to the untreated control.
  • When combined with a starter fertilizer source, the additive yield benefit of BIOZ Diamond averaged 5.8 bu/A compared to the starter fertilizer alone.

Learn more...

BIOZ Diamond on Soybean
Whitewater, Wisconsin, 2024


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