Polysulphate Maize Trial in Argentina
Mercedes, Corrientes 2017
To compare, under field conditions, the agronomic and economic efficiency of fertilizer bulk blends that include Polysulphate with other current formulations.
Trial Details
The treatments were allocated in a randomized complete block design with four replications.
All treatments were based on different sources of S that were applied at sowing and with a single rate of P (30 kg P2O5 ha–1), in addition to other fertilizer combinations, including a control with no sulphur. Gypsum and single super phosphate (SSP) treatments were included, since they were the common sources of S with comparable rates of S to Polysulphate.
The crop received a broadcast fertilization with N as urea at V4-V6 stage in addition to the N applied through the MAP starter, thus providing 100 kg N ha–1.
The treatments were allocated in a randomized complete block design with four replications.
All treatments were based on different sources of S that were applied at sowing and with a single rate of P (30 kg P2O5 ha–1), in addition to other fertilizer combinations, including a control with no sulphur. Gypsum and single super phosphate (SSP) treatments were included, since they were the common sources of S with comparable rates of S to Polysulphate.
The crop received a broadcast fertilization with N as urea at V4-V6 stage in addition to the N applied through the MAP starter, thus providing 100 kg N ha–1.