If you are looking for a low-maintenance, disease-resistant grass seed-mixture for varying conditions and soil types, look no further than Landscaper Pro® Finesse. Enrich your lawns by producing a dense, fine-leaved, and deep green sward. Made up of different seed types, the ryegrass component speeds up initial growth and increases tread resistance, while the red fescue component makes your grass resistant to drought and better suited to shaded areas. Available Pack Sizes – 5kg and 10kg
40% Lolium perenne
40% Festuca rubra rubra
10% Festuca rubra trichophylla
10% Festuca trachyphylla
Low nitrogen levels and low maintenance
Mixed grass seeds for short and long-term plant health
Produces a disease-resistance dense sward
25-35 grams/m²
Trial first on a small scale before changing the rate, application, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and as the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.