Foliar silica for healthy turf









This advanced foliar feed contains silicon, which has been proven to help plants use water more efficiently, and which can assist with disease management, boosting grass health all round. It also contains plenty of potassium to ensure rich color and growth. We’ve left out the nitrogen here, so that it’s better for turf that’s under pressure from disease. Use throughout the growing season to support healthy plants. Add this to your program for optimal turf management.

  • Contains silicon for better water use and healthier turf

  • Ideal for disease management

  • Potassium for improved growth and color

Recommended Rate:
10 – 20 l/ha
Recommended Rate:

Trial first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

Check tank mix compatibility table before tank mixing with other products.
If you need more information, please contact your technical support.

The following products may be tank mixed with Vitalnova SiLK as long as the stated rates are not exceeded and the mix is used within 3 hours.

Vitalnova SiLK: 20l

Water Volume: 400l

ProductsLitres/haUse within 3 hours
Greenmaster High N 25-0-0 + 2MgO40FAIL
Greenmaster High NK 10-0-10 + TE40Pass
Greenmaster High K 3-3-10 + TE40Pass
Greenmaster Spring and Summer 12-4-6 + TE40Pass
Greenmaster 8-0-0 + 11% CaO + TE40FAIL
Greenmaster Effect Iron20FAIL
STEP Liquid40Pass
Sportsmaster WSF High N30Pass
Sportsmaster WSF High K30Pass
Sportsmaster WSF Iron30FAIL
H2Pro Trismart10Pass
H2Pro Flowsmart10FAIL
H2Pro Aquasmart10Pass
Vitalnova Blade Classic30Pass
Vitalnova Aminoboost20Pass
Vitalnova Seamax10Pass
Vitalnova Stressbuster20FAIL

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