As a global fertilizer supplier, ICL offers a full range of innovative fertilizer solutions. In addition to our highly specialized, ready-to-use granular, liquid, and controlled-release fertilizers, we also offer a broad spectrum of fertilizers that are ideal for NPK fertilizer blending.
Mixing different raw materials allows users to create customized fertilizer blends that meet the specific nutrient requirements of a particular crop or soil. With ICL’s high-quality raw components, fertilizer blenders can produce an extensive selection of high-quality plant nutrition solutions as required by their customers.
Advantages of Fertilizer Blends
- Versatile
- Cost-effective
- Reduced transport costs
- Environmental advantages
- Customized formulations
Why Use Fertilizer Blends?
Fertilizer blends are very versatile. Using just a few raw materials, fertilizer blenders can create a vast array of different nutrient formulae to meet their customers’ specific demands, whether that be to meet specific crop requirements or to solve particular soil nutrient deficiencies.
Blends can also be a cost-effective solution, potentially reducing the overall fertilizer cost for the end user. And when created with concentrated fertilizer ingredients, blends can also reduce transport costs due to their high nutrient density.
One final consideration is that using a blend tailored precisely to the crops’ nutrient needs could reduce nutrient losses, which is better for the environment.
Avoid Segregation by Matching Raw Materials
Fertilizer segregation refers to the separation of different components within a fertilizer blend, leading to uneven distribution of nutrients. It’s important to minimize segregation to ensure that the blended fertilizer provides a consistent nutrient supply to crops.
One of the biggest challenges for in-house production of fertilizer blends is achieving the required homogeneity of the components to ensure uniform blending to avoid segregation during application or handling. Segregation results in inconsistent granule sizes within a batch, which greatly limits the precision of the application and, therefore, the nutrient supply to crops.
Ensuring that the raw materials have similar physical properties, such as granule size, shape, and bulk density, reduces the risk of segregation, producing a more consistent fertilizer blend.
Best Raw Material Quality from ICL
The basis for a reliable fertilizer blend lies in choosing the best raw materials. As a fertilizer manufacturer and supplier of fertilizer components, ICL recognizes the importance of using the purest raw materials to create high-quality fertilizer granules, ideal for bulk blending. During mixing, handling, and storage, fertilizer blends are subject to mechanical stresses and even chemical reactions.
ICL’s quality control ensures all our raw materials meet high quality standards so you can rely on them for the longer-term stability of your fertilizer blends.
Blend Components from the ICL Portfolio
With so many fertilizer components to choose from, including our coated Agrocote Controlled Release Fertilizers, Polysulphate-based fertilizers, as well as products from our Nova and Solinure product ranges, you will find the ideal ingredients to create your unique and reliable fertilizer blends.
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