Greenhouses & Indoor Farming Innovations Webinar

September 12, 2023
00 Days : 00 Hours : 00 Minutes : 00 Seconds


Dr. Dvir Taler
Israel Agronomy Lead

Don’t miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of transformative agricultural insights!
The transition to closed environments like greenhouses and indoor farming, is gaining momentum as a strategic defense against adverse weather effects on crops.
IsraelAgri’s upcoming webinar promises six succinct TED-style talks, spotlighting nutrition, climate control and technology integration. We are happy to announce that Dr. Dvir Teller, ICL’s Israel Agronomy Lead, will be our speaker at the event. He will add a wealth of expertise on plant nutrition solutions for greenhouse and indoor farming.
You are invited to join Dvir for a fascinating webinar on sustainable agriculture, coping with growing climatic uncertainty.

Join us on September 12 at 16:00 (GMT+3).