Magycal AC-8

Calcium galore for stronger plant growth









If your crops just need a shot of calcium, reach for the AC-8. With this liquid formula specially designed for use in fertigation systems, that’s exactly what they’ll get: you can rely on it. You won’t need to waste your time dissolving it as it’s ready to pour in, plus it’s cost-effective. Your plants will be stronger, healthier, and happier; calcium can even mean a longer shelf life for fruit and vegetables. A safe, easy, and accurate way to feed your crops.

  • Calcium in liquid form

  • Ideal for fertigation

  • Safe, simple to use, good value

Trail first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables, As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

For more information or recommendations, contact your nearest ICL distributor or representative for your area.
Since circumstances and application may differ, ICL cannot be held responsible for any negative results. Perform a small trial for the first time and before any new applications, dose changes, or other changes in your cultural practices.



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