Extra Fine

An exquisite choice for refined lawns and fine turf areas

Sometimes, the grass really is greener. ProSelect® Extra Fine is a diverse blend that establishes quickly. It has been specially developed to help you create a lawn that meets even the highest aesthetic demands. An ideal combination for high-quality green spaces with moderate wear. And its tolerance to the cold will keep your lawn or green looking in top shape in winter too.

55% Grandslam GLD/ Fastball RGL Lolium perenne
15% Mellori Festuca rubra rubra
10% Charlotte Fectuca rubra trichophylla
10% Rubicus Festuca rubra commutata
10% Heatmaster Hybrid Poa pratensis (coated)

  • Perfect for creating high quality fine turf lawns

  • Low cutting height

  • Great shade tolerance

Average sowing rate:27,5 g/m²

Try first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

Mowing height: 10 – 25 mm.
If you need more information, please contact your technical support.

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