Professional’s Choice

100% Cynodon dactylon

Professional’s Choice Bermudagrass Brand is a blend of two highly rated bermudagrass varieties, Highlander and Sunbird. These three varieties offer superior turf quality, ranking highly in trials, rivalling the best-known elite varieties available. In addition, they are extremely drought tolerant and maintain their dark green colour under the hottest summer conditions. Professional’s Choice Bermudagrass Brand produces a dense turf that reduces scalping and has improved disease and pest resistance. It is ideal for use in all turfgrass applications including golf course fairways and near roughs, home lawns and professional landscaping installations.

100% Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon)

  • Dual performance using two varieties

  • Very deep rooted with aggressive rhizomes

  • Improved winter survival

  • Quick spring green-up

  • Moderate salt tolerance

Sowing rate

10-15 g/m²

Try first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

Mowing height

15 – 50 mm


Seedbed Preparation

Best results are achieved when the seedbed is tilled or cultivated to alleviate compaction and eliminate competing weeds and grasses. Remove clods and plant debris from the seedbed. Firm the cultivated and clean seedbed with a roller or watering.


Planting season begins once the soil temperature is above 18 degrees centigrade and rising. Broadcast or drill seed at a rate of 100-150kg/hectare. Lightly cover seed no more than 3 mm deep to protect seed without planting too deeply.


Water the seedbed daily or as needed to keep the soil surface moist until the seedlings reach at least 50mm tall. Germination can begin in as early as 7 days and continue for up to 21 days. It is critical not to allow the seed or seedlings to dry out during the establishment period. As seedlings develop, decrease frequency of irrigation but increase the amount of water ap­plied. As turf matures, follow recommended turf watering guidelines for your growing region.


Professional’s Choice can be maintained at mowing heights from 1.5 cm to 5 cm. Applying 150 to 250 kg/hectare of nitrogen per growing season is adequate. Do not remove over 1/3 of the leaf blade per mowing for healthy turf. More frequent mowing at shorter heights will result in a finer, more dense turf.

If you need more information, please contact your technical support.

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