ICL’s Resin Release Technology is ideal to coat specific selected compound NPK, NP or K granules and create controlled release fertilizers from 1-2M till 16-18M longevity.
The release of nutrients through the protective resin coating is initiated by soil moisture and regulated by temperature. This precise metering of nutrition increases nutrient use efficiency and optimizes crop uptake. The amount of nutrients that are lost by leaching, volatilization, denitrification, or P-fixation is significantly reduced thus minimizing the environmental impact.
Working principle:
- The resin coating technology combines the release of N, P and K at the same time
- Controlled and consistent nutrient release is daily regulated by soil temperature
- High nutrient use efficiency allows low rate of products to be used thus saves input costs
- Strong coating allows various applications methods (rows, beds, spots etc.)
- Maximum results when safely applied in planting holes
Digital Tools
Access calculators to improve nutrient management and boost productivity
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